
New Script Engine Development Work (April 25, 2010)

New work in the development of Script Engine has been uploaded. Try out the following work-in-progress for yourself and stay tuned for further developments.

Sub-System Tests


Renamer 1.3.2 Released (April 24, 2010)

Renamer 1.3.2 has been released, correcting several memory leaks. The v1.3.2 change log excerpt is as follows:

Renamer 1.3.2 (Apr / 24 / 2010)

  • Closed several memory leaks

Grab the binaries or source here.

Renamer 1.3.1 Released (August 29, 2009)

Renamer 1.3.1 has been released with a key binding correction and static compilation of the Windows binary. The v1.3.1 change log excerpt is as follows:

Renamer 1.3.1 (Aug / 29 / 2009)

  • Bound the primary Enter/Return key to the Search and Replace function
  • MinGW and Qt dependancies now statically compiled into the executable on Windows platforms

Grab the binaries or source here.

Renamer v1.3 Available (March 8, 2009)

After more than 7 months, an update to Renamer has been released. The main focus of this release was migrating to the Qt framework, away from GTK. Windows users will be happy about this the most, as it allows for them to run the program in a stand alone fashion (read: no more GTK+ runtime required). The other major fix comes in the form of proper Unicode character handling. Users of certain distributions of Linux will notice this the most. Below is the official change log excerpt:

  • Rebased Renamer to the Qt framework
  • GTK+ dependence removed
  • Unicode characters now properly supported
  • Implemented basic status and error reporting

Grab binaries or the source code from the Renamer page.

Renamer v1.3 running under Ubuntu Linux

Renamer v1.3 running under Ubuntu Linux

Renamer for Linux x64 Now Available (November 26, 2008)

I finally took the 10 minutes to compile a 64 bit version of Renamer for Linux. This is a little bit bigger deal for Linux users than Windows users because 64 bit Windows ships with a 32 bit emulation layer. While it's not too difficult to get the 32 bit binary running under 64 bit Linux, it requires 32 bit versions of the GTK2 libraries on top of the 64 bit versions already installed. So, what does that mean? I'll get around to making a 64 bit version for Windows when I get to it. In the meantime, if you really want a 64 bit version for Windows, you get to compile it yourself. ;)